SINCE 1963
Worldwide Title and Escrow services for the entire aviation industry
The sale of an aircraft involves multiple parties, a multitude of documents, extensive research on the aircraft and registrations with various government agencies. Insured Aircraft Title Service (IATS) has more than 60 years of experience in efficiently managing escrows for both domestic and international aircraft transactions. Our expertise eliminates frustrations and helps avoid costly mistakes, giving you a streamlined transaction from start to finish.
Title & Escrow Services

Worldwide Escrow Services
Since buyers and sellers are frequently separated by extreme time differences, we will strive to make it convenient for you to open and close escrow transactions worldwide on your time schedule.

Document Preparation & Filing
Our team of documentation specialists will review the documents to determine if they meet FAA requirements and file the documents with the FAA on behalf of the parties involved in the transaction.

Title & Lien Clearing
It has been estimated that, as many as 20 to 30 percent of aircraft titles are clouded in one way or another. Our title professionals help guide clients through the often difficult process of clearing a clouded title.

Special Registration Numbers
Just like having a custom license plate on your vehicle, aircraft owners have the option of changing a registration number to something special that has significance to them.

International Registry
The International Registry of Mobile Assets or “IR” operates under the legal framework of the Cape Town Treaty, and its role is to electronically record international interests in aircraft objects, for the purpose of establishing the priority of those interests.

Title Search
Complete and detailed FAA or International Registry title search reports on your aircraft and/or components.

Completed Title Searches

Countries Around the World

Most Trusted
Over The Closest Competition

IATS is the largest and most trusted title and escrow company worldwide
Private aviation has grown at a rapid pace. Often, quick growth is plagued with inefficiencies to overcome. When time and money matter, trust Insured Aircraft to handle your closing in the most efficient and optimal manner. Schedule your closing now.